Our School
Jefferson Elementary is a neighborhood school located one block south of Kellogg and one block west of Oliver.
Being respectful, responsible, caring, hardworking and honest are all qualities that are encouraged and valued at Jefferson.
Jefferson has a population of about 450 students, which includes students in our English Language Learners (ELL) and Newcomers programs.
These two programs serve children and families who speak other languages.
Jefferson students represent more than 12 countries and more than 15 languages are spoken among its student body and families.
Jefferson has an all-day kindergarten program and a half-day morning and afternoon pre-kindergarten program for 4 year olds. The middle school that Jefferson students attend is Curtis Middle School, and the high school is Southeast High School.
Jefferson has connected to the community through its tutoring/mentoring programs, partnerships, community representations on the school's site council and other outreach.
Jefferson is proud to have numerous community partnerships including The Pando Initiative, East Heights United Methodist Church, Mid-American Credit Union, Hilltop Urban Church, Girl Scouts of America, The Laundry Station, and The Monarch.